KONG Rolly

New In! KONG Rescue Stretchers and Evac Triangle

We’re excited to announce the addition of three excellent products to our confined space rescue range:

These new, carefully-selected products are manufactured in Italy by KONG, which means outstanding quality and reliability.

KONG has a rich and long heritage as a company. Their attention to detail and commitment to safety complements our own ethos, which is why we’re delighted to announce that we’re launching these products to the UK market.

Take a closer look to find out what makes the KONG equipment stand out.

Important Announcement – Globestock Open For Business

As of 14/04/20 Globestock reopened for business, albeit on a limited basis.

Although we took necessary steps to safeguard our staff and customers by temporarily closing at the end of March, we recognised that many of our valued distributors and their clients working in key industries are still operating and have demand for our equipment and servicing.

Therefore, despite these unusual times, we have returned with a skeleton crew of remote working admin staff and on-premise production operatives, with the latter working in accordance with Government guidelines in respect of social distancing and appropriate use of PPE in the workplace. Additionally, these staff have been issued with anti-viral cleaning supplies to keep them, their production environment and the products being dispatched, as safe as possible.

Whilst we are pleased to announce the resumption of servicing and the processing of orders, which will enable customers to access essential Globestock safety equipment, it’s worth noting that our response times may not be as quick as usual and the prompt lead times on goods, that our customers are familiar with, may need to be extended in some cases, so we kindly request your patience should this is occur.

Our premises are open, but only for essential staff and couriers to collect items being dispatched. Customers may arrange to collect urgent orders, but this must be done strictly with prior appointment.

We will continue to monitor the wider situation and, as circumstances permit, will look to ramp-up back to full capacity as soon as possible.

We wish all our customers the very best in these unusual times and look forward to supporting you through this by reopening now.

Contact: [email protected] / +44 (0) 1691 654 966

Immediate Temporary Shutdown

In light of yesterday’s Government announcement (23/03/20), Globestock Ltd are bringing forward a temporary shutdown with immediate effect. This means all business activities are suspended, including any outstanding orders or deliveries.

We had planned to continue operating until next week, with the intention of giving our customers adequate notice and the chance to prepare for our temporary closure. However, to comply with the changes to Government guidelines issued on 23/03/20, we have no option but to pause all of our activities immediately. We apologise for any confusion caused in what is a rapidly changing landscape.

Please be assured we have not taken the decision lightly. We are confident that this temporary measure is the best way to protect our employees, customers and the future of the company, as well as ensuring we act responsibly in helping control the spread of the virus.

Our usual phone number, 01691 654 966, will remain available for emergency calls during this period. We will keep you informed as to any changes and let you know as soon as we are operational again.

We would like to thank all customers for their support and understanding during these turbulent times. We wish you all the best for your health and business and will be in touch in the coming weeks.

We look forward to resuming business as usual as early as is feasible.

COVID-19 Continuity Plan

Correct on 11/03/20:

Globestock Business Continuity Plan in respect of COVID-19 Virus Outbreak

Purpose and Scope of this Plan

Unplanned events can have a devastating effect on any business. It is essential for the purposes of continuity, and to uphold our ability to deliver our goods, services and meet our customers’ expectations, that we plan and make allowances for events which may be out of our direct control.
This abridged version of the Globestock Business Continuity plan has been developed in response to the ongoing COVID-19, or Corona Virus outbreak.

Authority of this Plan

Director and Senior Management Team (SMT) take full authority of this plan in the event of an emergency. The plan covers all employees and will be followed comprehensively.

Plan and Actions

The principles of this plan are already being put into practice in accordance with wider recommendations in respect of the COVID-19 outbreak. Official NHS information can be found here:


In line with this, the following actions are, and will be, adhered to in the workplace:

• Symptoms of COVID-19 are communicated to staff via e-mail, toolbox talks and memos in order to raise awareness.
• Good hygiene is paramount, with staff, customers, suppliers and visitors reminded by notices and encouraged verbally, to wash hands and maintain limited levels of personal contact.
• Employees who feel ill and are concerned should call 111. If they are told to self-isolate then they should stay at home/away from work and public places.
• Members of the SMT will request that an employee calls 111 and/or leaves the workplace if obvious signs of COVID-19 symptoms are displayed. This is for the overall benefit of all staff and to stop the virus spreading in the workplace.

In the event that staffing levels are affected to the extent that delivery of goods or services may start to be impacted, then:

• Businesses may recruit agency staff (DBS checked where applicable) as a short-term measure in order to ensure that contractual obligations could be fulfilled.
• Any members of staff may be redeployed to production/service delivery/administration roles, in order to ensure continuity of key tasks.
• Businesses will communicate with customers and suppliers immediately, should delays or interruptions become likely.